Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Women Empowered by Dove

Dove has always been a company that is known for using real women to sell their products. This advertisement is for a dove self-tanning body lotion. There are 4 women in this advertisement. They are all in their bra and underwear and are proudly showing off their bodies next to each other, embracing their differences. Unlike most ads where women are half naked, these 4 women are "real," everyday women. They are not size 0 models but women of all different size, shape and color. Some of the women are thin and some of them are not. Unlike other ads that are misleading and try to make you buy these products simply to look like the skinny women in the photos, this ad appeals to the universal women and is true to what real women look like. Some of these women are tall, some are short, some are big breasted, and some are not. This is the reality of our world, which makes this ad appealing to not only model-sized women but to all women. The ad’s text says, “good for your skin great for your look.” This text is a feel-good line that appeals to everyone. As an individual, each woman can use this lotion as a way to make her personal look great. I personally like this advertisement and think Dove’s marketing approach is empowering and I hope that many other products will follow in their footsteps. Dove Ad

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