Thursday, September 16, 2010

Essay Outline

Intro: Introduce the show, introduce the episode
-explain Lorelia’s financial situation
-explain the grandparents financial situation and what role they play in Lorelia’s education
-Friday night dinners
-Lorelai and Rory
Thesis: Gilmore Girls is a critique the unfairness of class systems through the relationship between Loreilai and her parents, the role that money plays in Rori’s education, and the strong relationship between Loreli and Rory despite the absence of wealth in their family.

Paragraph #1: Through the apparent financial divide between Lorelai and her parents, Gilmore Girls conveys the stereotypes portrayed of the lower and upper classes.
                Evidence1-judge her for becoming pregnant at 16, not the life they wanted for her
Analysis1-depiction of an upper vs. lower class stereotype: rich people don’t get pregnant at a young age
                Evidence2-didn’t finish college, how they don’t appreicate her going back to school       
Analysis2-people with money go to college and graduate right after high school, she did something different and they couldn’t accept it, even when she tried to fix it it wasn’t enough to win back their respect, idea that going to college grants you “respect” and “honor” in your family
Paragraph #2: As Lorelai runs out of funds for Rory’s education, she becomes financially dependent and indebted to her parents reflecting how our credit system is unfair and propagates the class system.
                Evidence1-Lorelia has to borrow money from her parents
Analysis1-Lorelai already doesn’t have enough money, borrowing money from her parents makes her have even less money, in debt. People who have money can go to college, people who don’t have to borrow money and thus have even less money then they started. Poor students poorer
Evidence2-Friday night dinners are an obligation
Analysis2-mirrors being indepted to a bank, they are obligated to go to dinner at their house every Friday night. Unfair- theres always strings attached
Paragraph #3: Rory and Lorelais reltionship is a depiction of the strong divide between classes as well as the relationship it engenders within classes.

Evidence1-rory wants to make her mothers life better-à asks emily herself for money so shes indebted and not her mother
Analysis1-unlike her grandparents she supports her mother, they are in the same class system so she understands, she can relate
Evidence2-supported her going back to school and her dream in opening the dragonfly inn

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