Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Live above or get sucked under

This advertisement is one by “Above the Influence,” which is a company that strives to encourage teenagers to stay away from drugs and alcohol. In all of their ads and commercials, they show real situations that kids get put in and how you can avoid those very situations. In this commercial, there is a teenage girl who has passed out, either from too much alcohol or an overdose. She is lying on a cough while other teenagers write on her face and play with her like she is a puppet. They are making fun of her and making her look like a fool. They make remarks like “she is so gone right now” and “she is trashed…she’s going to have a headache in the morning.” What is especially disturbing about this video is that nobody is there to watch over her. Normally in a situation like this, your best friend or someone you trust would be there to look after you and make sure you are okay. But instead she is all alone and being taunted by other kids. The commercial is a very powerful one because most kids who party can relate to this very easily. In the end the words, “If you’re not in control, who is?” appears on the screen, which is a very powerful statement. It makes you want to never be in this situation and live about the influence. 


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