Thursday, October 14, 2010

Paper #2 Prewrite

For my second paper I am going to write about Christina Aguilera's video for her song 'Beautiful.' The song is abut how everyone is beautiful in their own way and expresses that its okay to be different. Its a really slow song which helps to enchance the meaning of the words and make it more dramatic. The video shows her singing to a bunch of different kids. Theres a girl who is looking at her body in the mirror who is clearly battling anorexia. Theres also a gay couple that is kissing and then a boy who is being beat up and bullied by other kids. The song is directed towards them because she is referring to issues like body image and things that make kids different and make them not appreciate their own bodies. She is telling them its okay to be different though and not everyone is perfect and beautiful and skinny like the media portrays. I think the bigger message she is sending out is about the media and how they influence children. Shes commenting on how our society has this obsession with being perfect: beautiful, skinny, heterosexual, normal, etc. But in reality (what she portrays in the video) is that everyone is different and should be loved and appreciated all the same no matter how differently they look on the outside. The song is definetly a message to the world that we need to step back and reasses what we put out as entertainment and how that affects kids who are always surrounded by the same images of beauty. Her lyrics are saying "now and then i get insecure" and "i am beautiful no matter what they say." The "they" she is reffering to in this is the media. Because they gossip about her every move and it starts to eat away at you and saying that even when you are beautiful and skinny and famous you can't get away from feeling insecure because they'll still make you feel bad about being different or famous.

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