Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pan's Labyrinth

Wow. Whats going on in this movie is theres a girl who is being told certain directions. She is told to use the chalk to create a door and once she goes through the door she has the amount of time until the last grain of salt drops from the hourglass to get back. She then enters this fantasy world where there are little fairies telling her what to do and an evil Voldemort-like character who is seemingly dead. The mood of this scene is very suspensful. The music is dark and intense so that we are on the edge of our seat. We don't know whats going to happen and we are awaiting the climax of the scene. The fantasy world that she goes into is dark and creepy. It is like a dungeon of some sort that is eery and cave-like. She walks over to the table and its full of fruit that she wants to eat but the fairies tell her not too. She eats it anyway and it summons the creepy demon guy who gets up and sticks his eyeballs into his hands. That wasthe creepiest part to me. There were holes in his head for his eyes but he put them into his hands and places his hand to his face so he could see. Why did he do this? Why couldn't he just have put them into his head and then been able to use his hands as hands? Also, who was the voice telling this little girl what to do?The lighting is very dark and gives off a scary mood because we can't see everything in the picture and we don't know if somethings going to pop out at us and scare us. I think the genre would be considered some kind of suspense/fantasy movie because these creatures are obviously not real. The climax of the scene is after she accidentily summons this evil creature it runs after her and chaces her to the exit. She runs as fast as she can and the hourglass stops and the door closes. She then pulls out her chalk and creates another exit for herself in the ceiling and escapes the monster. But if the hourglass stopped shouldn't she be stuck there? How could she make another exit for herself? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of the hourglass alltogether?

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