Thursday, October 28, 2010


In this scene there is a boy and a girl sitting on the couch making out. They are aboutto go upstairs and we see them through the window outside, seemingly through someone else's eyes. The teenagers go upstairs and we then enter the house. We can't see the person who's eyes we are looking through but we see them go into the kitchen and pick up and large, sharp knife. The boy then comes down the stairs and leaves and the camera starts walking upstairs. Through their eyes, we walk into the girl's room where she is sitting there naked and we see her die. Whats interesting about it is the point of view is as if we are in the scene. It creates for even more thrill and suspence because the viewer feels like they are in the house and could potentionally be harmed as well. The camera then goes back downstairs where it gets turned around and we see the killer is actually the girls younger brother. I think this type of movie is exactly what King is referring to when he argues that everyone is a little bit insane. People who saw this movie went to the theatres to see a girl being murdered by her own 5 year old brother. That is such a sad and grotesque image that most people wouldn't categorize as 'fun' to watch. Even the character himself defends King's point because this little boy is obviously not fully there mentally.

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