Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Paper 3 Outline

-Backround information about the movie
-Backround information on what prisons are/ what they are suppose to do (goals)
Thesis: The corruption within the American correctional institution is portrayed in the film Shawshank Redemption by revealing the true conditions of life in prison. Prisoners’ inability to adjust back to everyday life, illegal activites and wrongful incarceration are just some themes that expose this corruption while suggesting the possibility of finding freedom within confinement and captivity within freedom.
Body #1
Topic Sentence:  This corruption is clearly expressed through these criminals incapability in adjusting to life outside prison as instead of ‘correcting’ the criminals, they make it impossible for them carry out a normal life outside the bounds of confinement.
-talk about Bogs, the man who hung himself after he was released from Prison
-Red’s nervousness to leave prison
-the use of solitary confinement, furthering the bounds of which they have to move--when there always in such a small space how could they ever adjust back to the world?
àthey felt free within prison because they taught them to feel this way and when they left they felt like they were in prison because they didn’t teach them how to reenter society

Body #2
Topic Sentence: The illegal activities exposed of prison life from not only the prisoners but of officers in power clearly suggest an element of corruption.
-Wardon Norton using prisoners as laborers so he doesn’t have to spend more
-Wardon using Andy to launder money all under a fake person
            -talk about the end and what happens to him
-Red somehow getting anything anybody wanted and sneaking it in

Body #2
Topic Sentence:
In this film, personal gain becomes more important than the truth about freeing an innocent man and suggests that false imprisonment within institutions is a common and normal scenario.
-define false imprisonment
-Andy was innocent but the Wardon killed the only person who could prove it so that he would continue helping him with laundering money
-Wardon only cared about what was best for him and not for others, selfish

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